Introducing the Driver Protective Barrier

Our commitment to safety has led us to design a new product called a Driver Protective Barrier in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

In fact, the CDC issued guidelines expressing the necessity for transit administrators to “install physical barriers on transit vehicles” to “reduce the risk of COVID-19 spread for both employees and passengers.” That’s exactly what the Driver Protective Barrier does.

This device is a Lexan door—similar to Plexiglas—that encloses a bus driver in the cab and helps prevent the spread of pathogens between him or her and the passengers. The hinged door design as opposed to a fixed piece of Lexan allows the driver a secondary escape route should an accident occur and block the driver’s door.

One difficulty in creating these Driver Protective Barriers is that there is no universal design because we build our buses according to our clients’ needs. Some of our buses, for example, have flat floors instead of regular floors. Another example is buses with manual door controls. These variations in the bus affect the design of the barrier, so we work with our customers to modify the barrier so that it fits their bus. 

Backed by the CDC’s guidelines, we’re confident these Driver Protective Barriers will provide better safety for bus ridership and give drivers the peace of mind they need to come to work during these uncertain times and beyond.

For more information, you can view the driver barrier here or contact Scott Reston directly at (315) 694-7154.


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