Provide Safer Transportation with the Driver Protective Barrier
When it comes to safety, Coach & Equipment has always gone above and beyond. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the CDC’s updated guidelines, Coach has introduced the Driver Protective Barrier and will continue to develop products to keep your fleet running safely.
Secondary Escape Route
The hinged door is a safety feature that allows the driver a secondary escape route if the bus were ever in an accident that blocked the driver’s door.
No Maintenance Required
The barrier is constructed out of high quality materials that won’t break down or require maintenance and could remain on the bus for many years to come.
Quiet Ride
The loop holder and magnet secure the door in place and keep it from vibrating as the bus is in motion, providing a quiet ride.
Better Protection
The barrier covers nearly all of the driver’s cab, preventing the spread of pathogens between passengers and drivers.
Reduce Driver Absenteeism
The Driver Protective Barrier provides a greater level of comfort for drivers coming to work because it follows social distancing protocols and the CDC’s guidelines for mass transit.
Reduce Spread of Pathogens
The Driver Protective Barrier prevents the transmission of pathogens between the driver and passengers coming on and off the bus.
Maintain Ridership Levels
The Driver Protective Barrier gives ridership the peace of mind that preventive measures have been taken to keep them safe.
An Early Prototype on a Bus
View a demonstration of the Driver Protective Barrier and see how much of the driver’s cab the barrier covers. For buses with a manual door control, the sliding window allows for operation while also offering maximum protection.
Barriers for Every Bus
We have multiple variations of our driver barrier because every bus is a little different. Contact us to learn which one will work for your buses.
Contact Us
Contact us for pricing or more info on how you can implement these barriers in your fleet.
What Customers Are Saying
“We like the product very much actually. Was pretty easy to install and is easy to move for access to the passenger compartment. There is no vibration noise so that is a huge plus.”
— Gloversville Transit
“So far no complaints. We modified the units we received from you on the older buses and everything fell into place. You and your staff were very helpful.”
— University of Buffalo
“We absolutely love them. Drivers are very happy and all of them prefer to drive the buses with them. They all requested to have them even after COVID since they alleviate other problems as well ( passengers touching them to get there attention, items hitting them on way up/ down steps, people sneezing on them that sit near the driver, etc.). Drivers had said that at certain times there is a glare but all of them have become used to it and maneuver differently to avoid any issues. Other the that we are very pleased with them and would like them on all buses in the future.”
— Warwick and Wallkill Dial-A-Bus
Check Out Our Other COVID Products
Social Distance Bands
Promote social distancing by clearing indicating where passengers should not sit.
Passenger Protective Barriers
Keep your passengers better protected and give them the peace of mind they need on the bus.
Grab Rail Covers
Prevent the spread of germs and bacteria on high-touch areas with anti-microbial covers.

For pricing or more information on how you can implement these barriers in your fleet, call your Coach & Equipment dealer or contact Scott Reston
via email or (315) 694-7154.